Polish Trees!

Not an entreaty to undertake a decidedly odd and ultimately fruitless task (pun not intended), but a sighting of some amazing examples in Poland.

Provided by the most excellent Enda, whose company I was privileged to keep one evening in Galway along with my brother, Andrew, sister in law Georganne and Enda’s girlfriend.

He says: “you will notice the chimney tower, but if you zoom into the rooftops of the abandoned factory buildings you can see bloody forests growing on some! its a surreal sight.”

Here is the location.

A big “thank you” to Enda and I wish him the best of success with his site via the pages of this blog 🙂

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Our first tree in Scotland!

So my excellent colleague, Christine, visited the beautiful Rothesay recently and captured this lovely tree atop a church steeple. I visited Rothesay something like 30 years ago with my mum and dad in our little sailing boat as part of a 2 week stint around the highlands. This, along with a cruise in the same boat the year after was probably the best time I ever had in my life 🙂

Chris tells me the church is for sale.
